02 Oct

What is an Empath Medium / Reiki combination you say ? Let me explain, When you come to see me for a Empath /Reiki combination you will first receive 45 minutes of Reiki Energy clearing. This is a method of laying of hands on the key chakra points of your body. Chakra Points are the energy points of the body. Each laying of hands point will be  for 4-5 minutes. Once your entire body is clear and each chakra point opened and cleared. The Empath Medium Reading will follow. The Empath Medium reading starts with giving you the space to tell me the practitioner what you experienced in your Reiki session, typically people may  experiences different energy through out their body, heat, slight pressure, cleaning, clearing, movement etc. This is all depending on each individual as each person is different. Once space has been provided to you the Empath Reading begins, I will begin to tell you the experiences I felt and feelings the thoughts that came to me during the session with your chakra points an over all physical body. Once this has been discussed I will then give you an intuitive reading of things I have seen and spirit has shown me through out the reiki session. I also give you tips which I call homework and these are little tidbits of information you may find useful. The session is 90 minutes in value and it is recommended you drink plenty of water and rest the rest of your day. 

Diane Marshall 

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